Bringing the best of evidence-based clinical practice in the form of personalized care.
This philosophy refers to my clinical practice. While many of these hold true for my forensic practice, due to the unique aspects of forensic psychiatry, please see that section for more details on that aspect of my practice.
You deserve more than 10 minutes with your doctor (if you need it).
Health care has changed dramatically since I went to medical school. Managed care and health care plans have eroded the doctor-patient relationship by demanding that physicians see high volumes of patients. I have worked both as an in-network and out-of-network provider. I have chosen to remain as an out-of-network provider so that I can focus my energy on treating you (as opposed to spending my time dealing with the administrative burdens of the insurance companies). Being out-of-network allows me to tend to your clinical needs, remain available and responsive, and focus on the quality of your care as opposed to the quantity of patients needed to see under an insurance model. Most importantly, every clinical interaction will be directly with me.
Your doctor should be responsive and available.
I don’t like it when my messages go unanswered. This has become far too common in health care. I strive to respond to you on a timely basis. My staff and I will review all messages to determine what can be taken care of immediately versus what might necessitate a more formal visit. Of course, there are limits to this. It is bad medical practice to handle emergencies and complex medical problems via electronic messaging. In such cases, we will guide you on the steps to follow to ensure you get the best quality care. I also do take some time away for my own personal wellness and balance.
An educated patient is the best patient.
Some doctors get angry when patients research conditions and treatments online. Not me. I actually encourage you to do so. There is nothing more important than your health and I expect that you will be an informed consumer. The field of psychiatry is rapidly evolving. And western medicine doesn’t always have all the answers. With my academic background, I stay on top of the most recent literature. But, I am always open to your ideas and information that you bring to me. I learn new things from my patients every day.
You should have access to all information.
People have always said that I “wear my emotions on my sleeve.” Like everything in life, there are positives and negatives to that. When it comes to my business model, I believe transparency is a must. You will know exactly what your care costs and why. You will have access to your medical records. And most importantly, you will have access to me and the years of experience I bring having provided care in a complex academic medical setting.